
Bootstrap WiFi networking using the WiFi connection

View the Project on GitHub davesteele/comitup

Wifi Network Bootstrap for the Raspberry Pi

Comitup is a software package that provides a service to establish Wifi networking on a headless computer (that is, one with no video, keyboard, or mouse). Comitup supports the following capabilities:

The Comitup Image is a microSD disk image for the Raspberry Pi, providing an operating system with the comitup service included. The Comitup Image is an extension of standard Raspberry Pi OS which includes Comitup, and supports the following additional capabilities:

Getting Comitup

You can get Comitup by installing the package, or by downloading a Raspberry Pi OS image including the package (the preferred method).

NOTE: Starting with the 2022-04-16 image, the local “pi” user has been replaced with the default “comitup” user. The password matches the user name - change it with the first logon

Comitup Image

To burn onto an SD card for the Raspberry Pi.

Package Installation



Continuously monitor the status of connected and unconnected nearby Comitup-enabled devices.
Demonstrate the operation of a Comitup-enabled device, reporting connection status progress using voice synthesis.